Sunday, September 9, 2018

Another Short Story Published!

It took most of the year to get something published, but I just got the message that my short story "The Saboteur" was accepted into Thurston Howl's "Wolf Warriors V" anthology!

"The Saboteur" is a different kind of story for me. It's a straight historical fiction story set in France during WWI. It's what I like to call a "slacker tragedy" inasmuch as the protagonist is a lovable but hapless character in over his head and routinely knocked about by authority and by fate.

 It's also a spin-off of my novel "The Linen Butterfly" though the exact nature of the spin-off I won't spoil.

This means I can keep my streak of getting at least one work published per year. In fact the only year since 2010 I didn't publish anything at all was 2012 (but that was a bad year).