Friday, February 13, 2015

Hello Everyone!

Just a short hello to say that this will be my first blog focusing primarily on promoting and sharing my writing!

I've decided to use Blogger as my platform because it seems there are still a lot of users on it.  I had considered Wordpress but decided to use that platform for posts of a more personal nature (that account will not be linked here, sorry).

I've been writing since I was about six or seven and I first got serious about it back in my teen years.  I have lived all over the place, including Myrtle Beach, Madrid, London, and Las Vegas, but I have settled in Northwest Oregon and I do believe I'm happy putting down roots here.  The places I have lived and people I have met are a major inspiration for my writing.

I'm also a mystic, a self-described Gnostic Syncretist with a strong attraction to esoteric Christianity, western mysticism, and Buddhism.  I consider my name, Rose LaCroix, to be a wonderful synchronicity with my interests as the Rose Cross is a symbol that very much describes my spiritual outlook.  I won't go too much into my specific beliefs or experiences here but I've had my brush with the ineffable, and it often serves to put a fire under my muse when it gets lazy.

My first novel, "The Goldenlea," took five years to complete and five more years to publish.  During that time I was able to complete and publish a second novel, "Basecraft Cirrostratus," which was nominated for a Rainbow Award for LGBT fiction and for an Ursa Major Award for anthropomorphic fiction.  Last summer, I published my third novel, "Escape from St. Arned," which was a sequel to "Basecraft Cirrostratus."

My upcoming novel is part of the reason I've decided to make myself more visible on social media.  It's a hybrid of a 1930s space opera, a Phildickian science fiction story with Gnostic and psychedelic themes, and historic fiction with medieval settings.  The addition of anthropomorphic animal characters gives it almost the feel of a postmodern Reynard story.  If that sounds awesome, stick around.

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