Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Progress To Date

I have applications out with a few local companies for jobs in copywriting.  I believe this is a field I might do well in and I intend to keep applying until I find someone willing to hire a promising recent graduate in an entry-level position.  Once I've got my foot in the door, it's a potentially lucrative field where writing only a few words can become a serious career.  I certainly believe that someone with my versatility would have no trouble adapting to the expected style, length, and content.
This isn't to say I intend to give up on novel-length work; far from it!  
Currently, work on "The Linen Butterfly" has paused temporarily but will resume.
Right now I'm focusing my momentum on "District Line" which is progressing at a slow but steady pace of adding about 500 words per night and making small but important ad hoc edits throughout including short scenes added to the beginning of each chapter so that the novel is now two stories woven together.
The edits are nearing the end of their ad hoc phase as I begin moving slowly into a more methodical phase. As of last night I have fixed the chapter numbering discrepancy and made a tentative table of contents for each of the new scenes at the start of the chapters to get a feel for how these are going to flow and which chapters still need one. Once I'm finished adding these scenes, the rest of the work will be a stylistic revision working from beginning to end.
Estimated final word count will be between 65,000 and 70,000 words, or slightly longer than "The Vimana Incident." Those who read the book in its original form, as a much more skeletal manuscript called "One Could Do Better," will still recognize the story as largely the same in many important details, but the short scenes at the beginnings of the chapters will add a layer of depth and meaning that the story never had before.
While I don't think I'll be able to polish this into a contemporary epic on the quality of Vonnegut or Pynchon, I hope to at least produce something good enough to get mainstream publication.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Slight Update

I have been working on and off on my updated version of "One Could Do Better," which after several title changes (including "Wild Fox Koan" and "I Rise Again Splendidly) is now called "District Line."

Progress is moving along nicely.  The current draft is about 10,000 words longer than the earlier drafts and seems to be coming together into a more coherent whole.  My life experience and introspection is definitely showing in this latest effort.

I hope to have this one ready to submit in the next couple of months.  I believe I'm sitting on something excellent here and I'm very excited to move forward.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Linen Butterfly Update

Sorry for the lack of updates! I'm deep into my latest revision of "The Linen butterfly" now. I've managed to actually make it longer than the first draft despite actually removing an entire subplot.

Tonight I finished rewriting a battle scene I had started rewriting last night. I ended up scrapping about 70% of the original scene, yet I still ended up 3 pages longer and, hopefully, immeasurably more interesting.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Dusting Off Something Old

While I'm still keen on finishing "The Linen Butterfly," I've also been inspired to do some more work on a loosely biographical work formerly titled "One Could Do Better."

"One Could Do Better" is now only one part of a multi-part story, referenced by a later portion of the story as if it were the character's own biographical work. I had wanted to write a sequel originally, but I feel that "One Could Do Better" on its own feels incomplete now.

Some changes I've made or will make soon:

1. The complete title of the work is now "I Rise Again Splendidly" though I have kept "One Could Do Better" as the title for what will be part I or II depending on whether or not I keep the current Part I.
2. The complete work is an even more thorough mix of fact and fiction, with quite a lot more true details being added.
3. The complete work will now cover events beyond May 2005, and will now extend to the very recent past.
4. The complete work will be rather experimental in its structure.

I had initially thought to re-structure it as a book called "Wild Fox Koan" but for a number of reasons (not least of which the fact that I have abandoned the additions that were relevant to that title), I have decided that a different title is more appropriate. At any rate, I had a hunch that the title "One Could Do Better" was putting off agents and publishers.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Linen Butterfly Is Back On The Table

After a long hiatus that included a very stressful final term, graduation, and loads of travel in a couple of weeks' time, I am back home and I have been working on putting some revisions on "The Linen Butterfly."

I don't know how extensively the book will have to be rewritten yet.  I have completely removed the original ending including a long subplot where one of the main characters discovers a past life as a somewhat-famous medieval diplomat, and I have added a subplot that adds some dimension to another reincarnation subplot and creates a nice plot twist where there was none before.  I completely re-wrote Chapter 8 almost from scratch, because it featured a rather gimmicky scene involving a rather Hollywood ploy to capture a city that just felt like I was drawing the longbow, MGM-style.

I'm also going to be doing a major stylistic revision and getting it looked over by as many good proof readers as I can.  I still feel like it needs something.

I'm going to try to get it ready by September for release at RainFurrest in Seattle.  If I can't, then my second choice will be January for release at Further ConFusion in San Jose.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Direction I'm Heading

Writing "The Vimana Incident" was a blast, and "The Linen Butterfly" will probably be a very similar sort of story, if that gives any indication.

Already, though, I'm starting to feel the need to back away from trippy sci-fi/fantasy crossovers where competing narratives of self and reality are the norm.

I just want to go back to doing more normal stories for a bit.  I think I've already kind of said so but over the last few days it's been building to the point where I really need to ground myself.  The fact is, stories like these take a lot out of me because they require me to confront some of my most uncomfortable intrusive thoughts, dwelling for months at a time in a headspace where pretty much everything is in doubt.

I want to open up about something: I'm the kind of person who can get runaway doubts about anything and everything if I let myself.  I remember once I was cooking with eggs, and I managed to cast enough doubt on whether the eggs were real that I had to call Kobi into the room to convince me that we hadn't bought counterfeit eggs.  It isn't pleasant or fun living with a mind like this.  That's what severe, pathological anxiety does to you.

When my mind is already racing with these terrifying possibilities, writing these stories is a great relief, but I have to get out of that headspace now and then.

I don't want to cancel "Metroburg," which will probably be much like "The Vimana Incident" in some respects but longer; at the present time I don't feel I'm ready to take on that project though.

I'm really warming up to "Edouard and Le Mouche," which is more of a fun satire of adventure-themed period pieces than a heavy philosophical exploration into anything at all.  I think after that I might be able to tackle some more adventurous prospects.

"How Stands The Glass" might be another one worth getting into.  I'm liking how the project is shaping up.  I'm thinking the two brothers could be named Ephram and Alexander Walsh, but I'm not sure how authentic those names are for 18th Century New England.  Research time!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

My Creative Endeavors

This blog is primarily devoted to my writing, and writing has honestly been may main creative outlet since about 2010.  That year, I published "Basecraft Cirrostratus" and also wrote the first draft of my third (and yet-unpublished) novel, "One Could Do Better."

Ten years earlier, I had originally wanted to be an actor.  I had been involved in community theater since 1995 and thought I could make it as a professional.  I went as far as attending a high school for the performing arts, the Academy for the Arts Sciences and Technology in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.  During this time I also began to experiment with writing, initially writing short plays and sonnets before attempting to collaborate with an artist in the UK on a novel (a project that later fell through, but inspired and trained me for later efforts as a novelist).

Ultimately, I began to have misgivings about how much effort it took for very little chance at success, and when I asked myself if that was something I'd like to do for the rest of my life, the answer was no.  When I signed up for Richmond the American International University in London to study literature and history, it was a foregone conclusion that I wouldn't go back to the theater.

Of course, there were other factors to my decision besides the poor career prospects actors face; I was starting to explore writing, I was very much in love with several people in the UK at various times, and in truth I felt a strong, visceral attachment to the place that I never did fully understand.  I spent a lot of time wandering the English cities of the north and east looking for medieval remnants and the Southwestern countryside, looking for a village that only existed in my mind.  This restless wandering, driven from some part of myself I never properly understood at the time, is described in "One Could Do Better."

During that time I also became an avid photographer, and I began work on "The Goldenlea." At last, though, the old specter of career prospects raised its head again and I began to question my choice to study history.  When I went back to the States in 2005, I tried to sell my photography but did poorly, and nearly stopped work on "The Goldenlea."

I took a one-year Microsoft server course at Horry-Georgetown Technical College which landed me a job at a small computer shop in Surfside, South Carolina run by a man who celebrated skilled individuals, but hated actually paying them (but must have been a huge Bush donor as he had mementos from the campaign all over his office including autographed pictures).  To date that was the only job I ever got with my now-obsolete training which proved that my one attempt to learn a "marketable skill" was a complete disaster.

Shortly thereafter I landed a job in Las Vegas editing videos semi-professionally.  I had made a series of short videos on YouTube including a re-dubbed version of "Voyage Dans La Lune" that ended up getting some small attention in the national press (the LA Times called it "Trippy.").  I also did some videos for Italo-Swiss producer and musician Salvatore Cusato, also known as Casco (including the long-awaited official video for his 1983 hit "Cybernetic Love").  But after Vegas, the video editing gigs dried up and I found myself delivering pizzas in North Little Rock.

It was there that I really began to turn my attention fully to writing, even as I tried to focus my attention on making as much as I could without a college degree after finding the faculty at University of Arkansas Little Rock very disagreeable and belligerent.  I had studied anthropology there and returned to my studies in 2010-2011, the faculty having now forgotten about how they felt about me, before relocating to Oregon.

2010 was also the year I published "Basecraft Cirrostratus," and wrote "One Could Do Better," and I began to feel like writing was something I was finally showing some promise with after years of trying to get something out the door.  It also seemed to be the one medium I did well enough to make at least small achievements consistently in, where I've found only brief, fleeting achievements in nearly every area of creative expression.

2013 saw my shift from anthropology to history as an emphasis on what will soon become a degree in social science due to the wide variety of subjects I have studied in trying to find an academic discipline that didn't frustrate me too much.  I finally grew tired of trying to make myself fit into whatever might pay and decided to study what I like, after so many years of fighting that decision.  That year also marked a shift in my writing toward exploring Gnostic themes, science fiction, and competing narratives of identity after discovering the works of Philip K. Dick at a very difficult period in my life.  While that won't be the whole of my output, and I'm going to need a break from it after I finish revisions on "The Linen Butterfly," it's a genre I intend to revisit from time to time.

And likewise with writing; it seems to be the only constant throughout the last fourteen years or so.  It doesn't pay very well and it has taken me a long time to hone myself to the point where I feel confident promoting myself as a writer, but I suppose all these years of experimentation have taught me that life's too short not to study what you want.  I've got a lot of water under the bridge now, but also a lot of life experience to draw on for my fiction that I didn't have when I first sat down to pen the first words of "The Goldenlea" in 2003.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Latest Review/Errata

First of all, I'd like to say to whoever did the anonymous review of "The Vimana Incident" posted on its Furplanet order page, thank you for your honesty and I would love to talk to you in detail about how I might have improved it. I'm making a serious effort to improve myself as a writer and reaching out to anyone willing to call out the flaws in my work.
I know this review was a particularly honest one because these were things I was concerned about, but had a hard time fixing. This was my attempt at writing the best story I could with my current abilities but it shows that I'm still lacking.
Lt. Aksakova's backstory is one I particularly regret being stumped on how to develop more because she is an interesting character, being a female officer, the one Soviet member of the crew, and asexual. She's the odd one out in so many ways and I wanted to tell more about her, but I was struggling with pacing and was afraid it would slow the book down. A good writer should know how to fit something like that without breaking pace, though, and I'm embarrassed to say it's one of the things I still haven't figured out.
This also means I didn't quite succeed in what I set out to do, which was to write a book with all of the best qualities of a Philip K. Dick novel but none of its drawbacks. Instead, I've got ideas, and those ideas are good, but I'm hitting a wall when it comes to developing them and setting a steady pace. I've seen that exact same critique of Dick.
I don't want to be just a carbon copy of him; I want to be better and I have a clear set of objectives on how to do that. I just need someone who has actually read my work to help me with a bit of advice.
If the writer of that review is reading this, please get in touch. PM me or send me an e-mail (my first name_my last name at yahoo dot com) and let's talk writing.
Also, one major Errata I MUST acknowledge before someone calls me out on it: In the acknowledgments I described Johnathan Lethem as an "editor" when what I intended to say was "award-winning writer and one of the editors of Philip K. Dick's Exegesis" but overlooked the passage in my revisions. My sincerest apologies to Dr. Lethem, this was not intended as a slight but was an innocent oversight on my part.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

"The Vimana Incident" Now Available From Fusselschwarm!

My readers in the EU will be happy to know that "The Vimana Incident" is now available from Fusselschwarm!

I missed the announcement, as it has apparently been available for a little while now, but I thought I'd go ahead and mention it.

You can purchase your copy here:


Or you can stop by the Fusselschwarm table at any of the conventions or book fairs they attend.  Also, be sure to check out @fusselschwarm on Twitter.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Where I Am As An Author

As you probably know if you've read the posts in this blog so far, I am a small press author and I don't make a whole lot off my writing.  It started out as something of a hobby, writing from within the furry community where making a living off of any sort of work is unlikely; it's a small, mostly Interned-based community that enjoys stories, art, and other media involving anthropomorphic animal stories and although sexual material is definitely out there, non-sexual stories and art still sell decently well.

The first book I published (also the first manuscript of any sort I actually sold copies of) was a dieselpunk action romance called "Basecraft Cirrostratus," and yes, it did play somewhat to the sexual aspect of things.  I've been told by a few non-furry readers, though, that aside from the sex it's actually a decent early attempt at a story, kind of in the vein of "The Rocketeer" and "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" in a dystopian setting inspired by the neoliberal crony capitalism and dominionist politics of the 2000s.  As such, it was hardly "porn" so much as an adventure story with erotic scenes.

It got decent reviews, and was greeted enthusiastically enough that I began to think that maybe I would eventually have what it took to support myself as an author.  I was called out on being too brief and breezy in my pacing, sort of the opposite of what you hear about amateur authors most of the time.  There were also minor issues with forced dialog and a plot just a little too fraught with convenient coincidences (though I did lampshade it somewhat in the sequel by having all the loose ends from the first book come back to haunt the protagonists).  But after a while, sales slowed and I decided to put something else out.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Finished Winter Term

At 11:30, I submitted my last assignment for the term, a 6-page essay assigned in lieu of an exam.

I now have the next ten days off.  I'm going to probably be spending that time resting because in all honesty, I'm having a really hard time with anxiety right now.  I'm so close to finishing my senior year.  I just want it to be over.

It's not that the work is that hard either; for a student like me it's easy work.  But for one thing, commuting on public transport is something I find intensely draining and stressful, and I've been having to do that for the whole time I've been at PSU which has slowed my recovery.

For another thing, I know this is going to be an intense term in Spring because my university has a thing called senior capstone which essentially requires a practical application of what you've learned.  I'll be working with medieval manuscripts and early printed books in the Multnomah County Library's special collections, which is cool as all hell, but I've got to juggle that and running to campus about half a mile away; even with street car service in the area,  it's going to be rough.

Just ten more weeks of it though, then I have a gap year coming up which hopefully I'll be able to support myself through.  If I can get things squared away by graduation I may be able to swing it though, in which case I'll finally have the time to fully recover from the last few years of living on the ragged edge of pretty much everything.

I had someone suggest living off the royalties to my books... I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

"The Vimana Incident" E-Book Now Available!

I got a number of requests from friends who wanted to be notified when this book was out as an e-book, and now I'm pleased to announce that it has been released from Bad Dog Books!


Friday, March 6, 2015

Review of "The Vimana Incident"

A review of "The Vimana Incident" has been posted, and it's quite a glowing review!

Has LaCroix succeeded in her ambition for the novel? From a reader’s point of view, she has created a satisfying and intriguing story. I looked forward to the next chapter while I was reading it, and I’ll certainly be reading it again. Whether she has produced a work of the quality she herself wanted, well, only the author can say, but I’m reminded of that annoyingly ubiquitous quote about shooting for the moon and missing to land among the stars. The sphere of furry writing can only benefit from this breed of originality and its lofty aims.
Read the full review here!


Also, "The Vimana Incident" has been named the Furry Writers' Guild Book of the Month for March!


Friday, February 20, 2015

"The Vimana Incident" Available Now!

It's finally here! "The Vimana Incident" is available online!  Just click the title and you'll find the online order page in a new window.

For those who have just stumbled upon this blog, I should probably explain what's so special about this story.

For a long time, I wrote "safe" stories that were reasonably well-conceived, but hedged my bets.  The first novel I wrote, "The Goldenlea," was a medieval low-fantasy story that was OK for a first attempt, but the style was extremely naive.  

My second novel was a little more adventurous.  "Basecraft Cirrostratus" was my first foray into the fringes of science fiction.  It was a dieselpunk action romance about gay characters in a dystopian world based loosely on 1930s Europe.

My third novel was a still-unpublished biographical fiction story called "One Could Do Better," inspired by my time in London in the early 2000s.  It was almost picked up by a small press but a dispute arose and it was dropped.  

My fourth novel was a sequel to Basecraft Cirrostratus called "Escape from St. Arned."  That one goes kind of sci-fi at the end too, but more as a device to prove a point about the characters and their relationship.  

My fifth novel, "The Linen Butterfly," was finished early last year but is currently pending for a major rewrite.  It's a sequel to "The Goldenlea" that expands on the sci-fi themes of the first book.

Then we come to number six, "The Vimana Incident."  For this one, I decided to throw caution to the wind and do an honest-to-God Philip K. Dick tribute.  I had previously spoken to Phil's last wife, Tessa Dick, and to Johnathan Lethem (one of the editors of the Exegesis) on another matter but their insights proved valuable when I set out to write this novel last spring.  "The Vimana Incident" draws heavily on "Ubik," "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch," and "A Maze of Death" thematically, but stylistically it is entirely my own.

The story begins in England in an alternate 1939 in which the Second World War has been averted by a space race.  It transports the reader to an off-world colony around the year 2606, Laon France in 1153, Post-WW2 England in 1946, and finally to Humboldt County, CA in 2039, with the US coping with the effects of climate change and civil war.  A strong theme of reincarnation runs through the story, but this is ain't Cloud Atlas!  Psychedelics, neurochemistry, the Bardo Thodol, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and a dominant thread of Gnosticism make this book the sort of thing very few writers are doing any more.  The addition of anthropomorphic animal characters also turns the book into something of a postmodern Reynard story.

This is more adventurous than anything I've ever done by leaps and bounds.  I sincerely hope it wins the hearts of readers.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

"The Vimana Incident" Out Soon!

A limited number of copies of "The Vimana Incident" will be available at Texas Furry Fiesta this weekend.

I will make another post when online orders are available.  Stay tuned!

Sunday, February 15, 2015


I sent my final draft just a few moments ago.
Unless there are any more issues, "The Vimana Incident" should be go for launch next weekend. My publisher, Furplanet, will make an announcement if it will be ready and I will link to the preorder page.
This might be the fastest I have ever taken a book from the first page of the first draft to publication. A year ago, this book existed only as a few random plot sketches going back to 2012 but no draft had ever been produced.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Hello Everyone!

Just a short hello to say that this will be my first blog focusing primarily on promoting and sharing my writing!

I've decided to use Blogger as my platform because it seems there are still a lot of users on it.  I had considered Wordpress but decided to use that platform for posts of a more personal nature (that account will not be linked here, sorry).

I've been writing since I was about six or seven and I first got serious about it back in my teen years.  I have lived all over the place, including Myrtle Beach, Madrid, London, and Las Vegas, but I have settled in Northwest Oregon and I do believe I'm happy putting down roots here.  The places I have lived and people I have met are a major inspiration for my writing.

I'm also a mystic, a self-described Gnostic Syncretist with a strong attraction to esoteric Christianity, western mysticism, and Buddhism.  I consider my name, Rose LaCroix, to be a wonderful synchronicity with my interests as the Rose Cross is a symbol that very much describes my spiritual outlook.  I won't go too much into my specific beliefs or experiences here but I've had my brush with the ineffable, and it often serves to put a fire under my muse when it gets lazy.

My first novel, "The Goldenlea," took five years to complete and five more years to publish.  During that time I was able to complete and publish a second novel, "Basecraft Cirrostratus," which was nominated for a Rainbow Award for LGBT fiction and for an Ursa Major Award for anthropomorphic fiction.  Last summer, I published my third novel, "Escape from St. Arned," which was a sequel to "Basecraft Cirrostratus."

My upcoming novel is part of the reason I've decided to make myself more visible on social media.  It's a hybrid of a 1930s space opera, a Phildickian science fiction story with Gnostic and psychedelic themes, and historic fiction with medieval settings.  The addition of anthropomorphic animal characters gives it almost the feel of a postmodern Reynard story.  If that sounds awesome, stick around.